
This project involved the submission of a full Transport Assessment for a temporary use theatre on unoccupied land within the Newham docklands. The challenges primarily surrounded mitigating against adding a large quantum of trips onto the network during the PM peak hour, and facilitating safe and effective public realm design to bring visitors to and from the theatre.

Full planning advice was provided for the application, which included early liaison with the local and regional planning authorities and involvement in community consultation events. This also included the preparation of a full Transport Assessment and relevant appendices, including a Delivery & Servicing Plan, Construction Logistics Plan, Car Park Management Plan alongside a Staff and Visitor Travel Plans. Of note was the bespoke nature of the technical exercises required to assess the transport impact of the theatre given its events-led nature, which included advising on mitigatory strategies on local and regional public transport networks.

Furthermore, Momentum assisted in the wider highway and parking design, in a way to facilitate visitor arrivals on foot from a nearby railway station. Visitor arrivals and departures form a vital part of the wider visitor experience, and was seen as an effective method to improve the overall sustainability of the site.