Forecasting the number of people that will arrive and depart from a development, across the day and within the peak hours, is key to understanding the impact that a development will have on the local transport network.

Our clients operate in many different markets, from mixed-use, commercial and residential to cultural and education. At Momentum we recognise that trip generation is bespoke to each land use and site, which is why we tailor our assessments to the development, combining traditional database methodologies such as TRICS with robust site-specific factors.

We consider the people that will be using our development, the operational hours of our development and how this fits into the local transport context and network peaks. This enables us to establish mode shares, daily trips and peak hour trips that accurately represent our sites. Our trip generation assessments are designed to indicate the demand that a site will generate and its impact on the local transport network, which is essential in undertaking a Transport Impact Assessment.