A place where I want to go and stay there even if don’t need to.

Why is good design essential in the work we do?

A successful place where people want to go is good economically for our clients, as well as socially and environmentally for the places we visit and live in ourselves (a good place is sustainable development).

Which piece of design that you’ve worked on at Momentum are you particularly proud of, and why?

Not traditional ‘design’ but our event day transport strategy for our client IWM Duxford is a great piece of work with some innovative ideas to get people onto sustainable transport in a very challenging context.

Whose designs/which designer do you admire and why? 

I’d really recommend Kevin Lynch (The Image of the City, 1960), Jane Jacobs (Death and Life of Great American Cities, 1961) and Jan Gehl (Life Between Buildings, 1971).

Click the animation to see what else our team had to say about design